::in da name of Allah, da most gracious and da most merciful::
today, we learned architectural drafting . ahaa.. really have fun! staying in the studio for a long day . siapkan kerja sambil pasang mp3 kuat2! hahaa . fenin2 pun ada sebab cari idea yang entah merayap ke mana . we just learned the basic of drafting.. kind of art~line composition! learning outcome... guess what?? to build our hand muscles.. wakakaa~ huh.. every tuesday and wednesday, we need to go to the faculty of built environment . f.a.r... f.a.r away from our college . so, at the end of day , i think we're not only going to build our muscles but also.. we're going to looooosse our weight!! ahakz..
huwaa.. we already moved to a new room yesterday!! terpaksa angkut barang segala bagai... P.E.N.A.T! and our new room is facing the cafe.. longkang jijik.. plus.. blok kaum adam .
::till end::